It's been a big week for the United States Supreme Court. The one that everyone appears to be focused on is the Dobbs decision that overturns Roe v. Wade. Here's a link to the Supreme Court blog that has the decision. A couple things to note: The decision is over...
Put More Than 20 Years Of Courtroom Experience To Work For You
You Can’t Lie to Them, But They Can Lie to You
Just a reminder for why you don't speak to law enforcement without an attorney. It is still legal in Virgina (and elsewhere) for the police to forge and use forensic documents (the reports related to all that fun stuff you see on television like C.S.I.) when...
What Happens When You Get Stuck In The System
An article about the costs and burdens getting involved in the justice system. "[R]aises serious questions about the transparency, fairness, and availability of consumer choice in markets associated with the justice system, as well as demonstrating the pervasive reach...
Sextortion (Blackmail)
Here's an article about people getting blackmailed for things they may have done online. Over the years and on numerous occasions I have had men come to my office because they were "chatting" with someone they met on an online dating site only to have a "father"...
Supreme Court Upholds the Right to Confront and Cross Examine Witnesses
The article is here, upholding the Crawford decision written by the late Justice Scalia. Crawford significantly strengthened the right to face one's accusers and this is a good decision, the government's attempt to unwind this failed and that's a good thing. For a...
Martin Luther King And The Ethics Of Resisting Authority
I know its sometime after MLK day, but the article is interesting, nonetheless. I knew a judge (since retired) that espoused the opposite belief: that unjust laws should be zealously adhered to as way of forcing change. I don't think you can fix injustice by being...
Financial Incentives Create Perversions Of Justice
The ability to levy fines against ordinary citizens provides an incentive to both find wrongdoing (whether it exists or not) and to create more laws to enforce penalties. It is the "profit motive" of some law enforcement. The unfortunate reality is that those least...
Being A Democracy Is No Protection From Tyranny
What the videos of "democratic" Australia and decide for yourself if those people are free.
The Use of Government Authority To Chill The Use of Natural Rights
A pretty good run down of a recent first amendment case (where a government official was using the power of the government to coerce a citizen that was questioning the behavior of an elected official. "When ordinary people without legal training receive a demand from...
Untie Airlines Employees Sue Over Covid Shot
Expect more of this and the resistance to grow.