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Firm News
Good Cause and Gun Permits
California AG cancels the requirement there for good cause in order to get a conceal carry permit which is a good thing.
U.S. Supreme Court Adds Greater Protection For Doctors Prescribing Medication
While other cases are making the news, this is a pretty big deal regarding the right of the doctor to determine the care of his client and not the government. "Today the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously overturned lower court decisions in the consolidated cases of Ruan...
Financial Incentives Create Perversions Of Justice
The ability to levy fines against ordinary citizens provides an incentive to both find wrongdoing (whether it exists or not) and to create more laws to enforce penalties. It is the "profit motive" of some law enforcement. The unfortunate reality is that those least...
Customs And The Use Of Social Media Surveillance
Once again, be careful what you put on social media. Big Brother and Sister are watching.
Confidentiality and Alexa
The California State Bar has come out and said that Alexa should be disabled when an attorney is working from home. Yet another warning about the level of passive surveillance that people allow into their homes for convenience. And yet another warning that once...
Depends On How You Define It
Crime supposedly went down last year And personally there appeared to be way less charges of driving under the influence (which makes sense if everyone is home and the bars are closed) but far more allegations of domestic violence. And I'm not sure how this tracks...
More On Civil Asset Forfeiture And Its Many Negative Impacts
Via The Crime Report: Since 2000, authorities have accumulated $69 billion in forfeiture revenue, according to an Institute for Justice report. Several prominent cases have demonstrated the failure of civil asset forfeiture. In 2019, the Drug Enforcement...
Civil Asset Forfeiture In USA Today
USA Today: "Our View: Civil asset forfeiture, meant to fight crime by taking profits from drug dealers, often turns cops into bounty hunters who can’t imagine the many legitimate reasons people carry cash." Asa things have progressed many of the States have been...
Supreme Court Denies Challenge To The Draft
From a philosophical and moral perspective the draft should be abolished. If you believe in the moral justification for war, then by definition you shouldn't need to force people to engage in it. Regardless, the Supreme Court pushed.