What the videos of "democratic" Australia and decide for yourself if those people are free.
Put More Than 20 Years Of Courtroom Experience To Work For You
Year: 2021
The Use of Government Authority To Chill The Use of Natural Rights
A pretty good run down of a recent first amendment case (where a government official was using the power of the government to coerce a citizen that was questioning the behavior of an elected official. "When ordinary people without legal training receive a demand from...
Untie Airlines Employees Sue Over Covid Shot
Expect more of this and the resistance to grow.
The Problem With Using The Justice System As Revenue Generator
Is that it traps people in poverty.
50 Years Is A Long Time
Some things can be corrected, but not fixed.
Most of Social Media Is A Con (Or the Product Of One)
All those fancy cars? Were the result of fraud.
Customs And The Use Of Social Media Surveillance
Once again, be careful what you put on social media. Big Brother and Sister are watching.
Prison strip-search case pits religious rights against transgender rights
"An appeal by a Muslim inmate is testing what Wisconsin considers more important: the inmate’s religious beliefs or a transgender prison guard’s right to be treated the same as his cisgender colleagues." The article is here
Forfeiture Causes Perverse Incentives
Yet another example of the fight over money that government claims is the product of ill gotten gain.
Can Evidence Obtained By Torture Be Used In Court?